
Eye Exams

eyesight measurement testing machine

Eye Exams services offered in Washington Heights , New York, NY

Even if your eyesight is good, you shouldn’t put off routine eye exams. At Vistasite Eye Care, experienced optometrist Vladimir Dvoretsky, OD, provides in-depth eye exams for adults and children in and around the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, New York. Routine eye exams help identify issues that can affect your long-term eye health so you can lower your risk of vision loss and other serious complications. Call Vistasite Eye Care to schedule eye exams for the whole family, or book an appointment online today.

Why do I need eye exams?

Eye exams are a preventive service that ensures your eyes are healthy and your vision is sharp and clear. You schedule routine eye exams even if you’re not experiencing unusual symptoms or noticeable vision changes.

The eye exams at Vistasite Eye Care focus on identifying potentially serious eye issues before you experience complications. Eye exams for people 40 and older check for age-related changes that affect vision. 

Your provider uses the details of each exam to track changes in your vision and eye health from one visit to the next.

What happens during an eye exam?

The Vistasite Eye Care optometrists use several tests to assess vision and eye health.

During a visual acuity test, your provider has you read from a chart containing letters of various sizes to determine if you need prescription glasses or contact lenses or an update to an existing prescription.

To check for eye conditions like color blindness and glaucoma, the team offers a wide range of testing technologies, including:

  • Color blindness test
  • Eye pressure test
  • Depth perception test
  • Retinal digital photography
  • Ocular motility (eye movement test)
  • Optical coherence tomography (OCT)

Before these tests, your provider administers numbing eyedrops into each of your eyes to keep you comfortable during the exam. They also use bright lights and special magnifying lenses to see tissues, nerves, and other structures in the back of your eye.

How often do I need eye exams?

If your eyes are generally healthy and you don’t need prescription glasses or contacts, your Vistasite Eye Care provider can determine how often you need an eye exam based on your age and other factors.

If you wear glasses, you may need annual eye exams to ensure your prescription is correct and you can see clearly. Schedule an eye exam if you have difficulty seeing objects up close or at a distance, you suffer an eye injury, or you experience symptoms like eye discharge or pain.

Your Vistasite Eye Care provider may also recommend more frequent eye exams if you have an underlying condition like diabetes that can cause vision loss and other eye damage. They discuss how often you need routine eye exams based on your circumstances.

Call Vistasite Eye Care to schedule eye exams for you or your children or book an appointment online today.