
Pediatric Eye Care

Young boy getting eye exam

Pediatric Eye Care services offered in Washington Heights , New York, NY

Good vision is essential to a child’s development. To ensure your child’s eyes are healthy and their vision is clear, Vistasite Eye Care offers a range of pediatric eye care services. Skilled optometrist Vladimir Dvoretsky, OD, provides comprehensive eye exams for infants, adolescents, and teens. In addition to preventive screenings, the providers can address various eye conditions, including lazy eye and refractive errors that affect your child’s vision or eye health. Call the office in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, New York, to schedule a pediatric eye care consultation or book an appointment online today.

What is pediatric eye care?

Pediatric eye care focuses on screening children for eye disorders or diseases before they experience complications that affect their health or development.

Vistasite Eye Care offers preventive pediatric eye exams for children of all ages. In addition to screening for a range of eye conditions, your child’s provider tests their visual acuity to determine if they need prescription glasses to improve their vision.

How often should I schedule a pediatric eye care appointment for my child?

Your child’s first eye exam should typically happen when they’re around 6 months old. If your child’s eyes are healthy, you can expect to schedule their next appointment around age 3 and again before they begin kindergarten.

Your child should meet with the optometrist every two years throughout their school years. If your child needs glasses or has risk factors for eye disease, their provider may recommend that you schedule visits every year.

Vistasite Eye Care also recommends that you schedule a diagnostic evaluation if your child has vision issues or symptoms of an eye condition such as:

  • Squinting
  • Eye pain
  • Eye rubbing
  • Persistent eye-watering

Difficulties reading or using a computer can also be a warning sign of underlying vision issues or other conditions.

What happens during a pediatric eye care exam?

During a pediatric eye care exam, your child’s Vistasite Eye Care provider reviews your child’s personal and family medical history to learn more about their risk factors for eye diseases and disorders.

The team uses several tests to assess your child’s visual acuity and eye health. Testing can identify refractive errors like astigmatism and conditions like:

  • Lazy eye (amblyopia)
  • Eye movement disorders
  • Color blindness
  • Poor depth perception
  • Crossed eyes (strabismus)

If your child needs glasses to improve their vision, their provider can confirm the prescription. Vistasite Eye Care providers can also perform contact lens exams for older children.

If your child’s eye exam reveals underlying disorders, their provider can customize a treatment plan. They discuss the available options for care based on your child’s condition, age, and overall eye health.

Call Vistasite Eye Care to schedule a pediatric eye care consultation or book an appointment online today.